Code of Conduct

Greeting and Respect

Every student is required to salute or say 'Good Morning' to the teaching staff on their first meeting for the day.

Respect for Authority:

When a member of the staff or a VIP enters the classroom, students must stand, salute, and remain standing until advised to take their seats.

Classroom Etiquette:

Students are not permitted to leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher.

Silence and Order:

Maintain silence while moving from one class to another or during assembly.

Prohibited Behaviors:

Shouting, spitting, throwing waste papers or rubbish, playing in the classroom in the absence of a teacher, and loitering in verandas or anywhere on the school premises are strictly prohibited.

Notice Board Information:

Students are required to read notices displayed on the notice board daily and note them in their Hand Book. Ignorance of information displayed will not be accepted as an excuse for non-compliance.

Anti-Social Activities:

No student shall engage in antisocial and subversive activities.

Regular Attendance:

Students must attend school regularly and punctually, wearing the school uniform.

Consequences of Absence and Tardiness:

Frequent absence from school and habitual late coming will be considered as misconduct.

Disciplinary Action:

Students found contravening these rules may be subject to suspension or dismissal at the discretion of the Principal.

This Code of Conduct is established to foster a disciplined and respectful learning environment. It is essential that all students adhere to these guidelines for the smooth functioning of the school and the well-being of the entire school community.